Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Second twin updates

Monday I walked 1 mile around my development. I live in the country so it is a nice quiet walk but cold and bone chilly 31 degrees
Tuesday was "walking in the rain" around the court at work. There are tennis courts and a baseball field and I have 2 other colleagues joining me at lunch. We walked 3/4 mile.(we think)

Wednesday.. today.. we did 2 times around the field. I am purchasing a pedometer so we have an idea how far we are going. so far so good! We are even bringing our walking shoes. I hope to get more people out doing this...really clears up the head for the afternoon.

This is a nice way to do it.


Carol said...

Congratulations - you're doing great!

Carol said...

And congratulations on figuring out how to post! It's not difficult...ONCE you do it a couple times!

Joan said...

Getting some workmates to walk with you helps a lot, doesn't it? Sounds like you are doing well.